Nelson Berry Subliminal Video Messages

Nelson Berry Subliminal Video Messages
Nelson Berry Subliminal Video Messages

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Subliminal Messages - Get Over the Idea of Suicide With These Tips

Subliminal Messages - Get Over the Idea of Suicide With These Tips

Perhaps you already know that suicide is something you should never
consider in your life. Your life is something you cannot take back
once you are dead. Nevertheless, there are still thousands of people
every day who choose to end their lives simply because they do not
know how to deal with their emotions.

If you find yourself thinking about suicide, you may want to take a
pause first and read the following. It is not too late to get some

Call a counselor. You can always talk to a friend or a family member
about your personal issues, but when you want to end your life, the
best person to talk to will be the counselors. They have been trained
to handle crises such as this. They can provide you with all the types
of help you are going to need.

There are a lot of hotline numbers you can dial. Surely, there is a
suicide prevention center within your locality. Take time to visit or
call someone. They are always available to take your call and listen
to your problems.

Know the root cause. One of the leading causes of suicide is
depression. However, knowing that it is depression is not actually
enough. There should be a reason behind that deep sorrow. It could be
because you feel neglected or unwanted. Perhaps you have been ditched
by the person that you love, or a family member or a friend suddenly
passed away. When you know the root cause, it becomes easier for you
to determine the best courses of action to start stepping away from
depression and suicidal thoughts.

Discuss it with people you trust. Talk about your problems with a few
people, such as those you really trust. It does not have to be a
family member. This person is also the best one to approach when you
need some guidance or protection. Perhaps you can request them to
visit you once in a while. Most of all, share whatever feelings you
have about a particular situation. The more you talk about them, the
more you will feel they are being unloaded. Sometimes you will just
realize the negative emotions no longer matter that much.

Use subliminal messages. Subliminal messages can also be called
affirmations or positive statements. When used correctly, these
subliminal messages can help change your manner of thinking. You can
alter something negative to something positive. Some of the subliminal
messages you can try include the following:

I am a well-loved person.
I am capable of loving myself more.
I am confident and fun-loving individual.
I put a very high value over my life.
I am worthy of every love I am getting.
I choose to be happy.

You can repeat these subliminal messages or affirmations as many times
as you can and on a regular basis. This means you may have to listen
or speak of them every day. This is how you can get them into your
subconscious and start modifying the way you think of yourself.

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