Nelson Berry Subliminal Video Messages

Nelson Berry Subliminal Video Messages
Nelson Berry Subliminal Video Messages

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Benefits of Subliminal Video

We're going to quickly cover the advantages of
using Subliminal Video to get what you want.

This will give you a taste of what "Using
Subliminal Video To Make Life Better" is like.

First, it's faster!

You're not going to get some 1000 page manual
written by a PhD that you need to read for the
next year and a half to get results.

10-15 minutes per day, in the am, will set you
up for the rest of the day!

Second, it reveals the true, powerful YOU!

You're not going to get some "technique-based"
training course to show you how to
technique-your-way to greatness by manipulating
others with another "technique-of-the-moment".
You don't need it. You are already equipped with
everything you need RIGHT NOW!

Third, it's fun!

Here's the deal...

1- Watch an amazing subliminal video for 5-10
minutes. That is enough to catapult you
UP & OVER ALL obstacles in your path.

Total output - 5-10 minutes.

2- Write (or type) for 3-5 minutes about your
mouth-watering dreams and fantasies as if you
are living them out and experiencing them
right now.

Total time - 3 minutes.

That's it.

Total time - 8 to 15 minutes.

We call it the 10 minute ritual for short

You do this every day for 60 days and you WILL
realize your mouth-watering fantasies in REAL
LIFE or we will not accept your money.

Tens-of-thousands have successfully used this
method with mouth-watering and breath-taking
results. We REALLY don't have space here to
document them all.  Let's move quickly so you
can get started and try it...

We suggest you try The $20K Per Day Subliminal
Video 2.0 in HD. It's amazingly powerful and
easy to watch!

Jim Thompson of Honolulu, HI USA says:

"When I was a kid, I thought I knew everything.
Looking back, I think I did. I forgot what it
felt like until I watched The $20K Per Day
Subliminal Video. I went from a "Regular Joe"
to an Emotional Powerhouse with HUGE MONEY
flowing in and throwing positive vibes everywhere.
I hit my TOTAL Financial Goal for the entire Year
within 60 Days!"

here are the EXACT subliminal commands on it:

- I Earn $20K Per Day!
- I Am Very Happy and Comfortable!
- My Love Life is Exceptionally Exciting!
- My Hopes and Dreams Come True TODAY!
- I Am So Blessed and Thankful!
- I Make More Money Than I Can Spend!
- I Am Very Centered and Emotionally Balanced About My Life!
- I Am Happy I Now Get to Spend Time The Way I Want To!
- I Am Financially, Spiritually, Emotionally & Physically RICH!
- I ALWAYS Do Things To Help Myself And Others Immediately -- Right Now -- Today!

All instructions are included.

You have a 60 day guarantee.

Click here to download:

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

PS. You can contact us for any reason at
Chances are we are standing by right now to assist you with
anything you might need now or in the future. 

PPS. We have a limited number of these due to the suppliers of
our footage (audio and video) that we use for these videos. It is
high definition (HD) quality and is closely guarded. We've agreed
to only allow a certain number of downloads and a certain number
of "intended" in the viewing audience.  This may not be here
tomorrow when you come back to get it.

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