Nelson Berry Subliminal Video Messages

Nelson Berry Subliminal Video Messages
Nelson Berry Subliminal Video Messages

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tired of Being Hailed As A Compulsive Liar? How to Stop the Urge to Lie with Subliminal Messages

Tired of Being Hailed As A Compulsive Liar? How to Stop the Urge to Lie with Subliminal Messages


Have you ever come across someone who is unreliable and untruthful? Have you ever talked to someone and later find out that everything he or she said was untrue? Have you ever wondered why some people would make up stories or lie about even the smallest things? You tend to ask yourself, how can they say such untrue things without even blinking and why aren't they guilty at all?


But here are the tough questions. Do you often find yourself lying or making up stories? Do you find yourself saying untruthful things? Do you find yourself struggling with the pressure to maintain your lies?


Then you are probably one of the people who suffer from compulsive lying or pathological lying.


Here are some tips on how you can get rid of this destructive habit:


1. Examine Your Reasons. People lie for many reasons. It is normal for people to want to bend the truth sometimes to improve their circumstances or avoid consequences. However, sometimes, the lying becomes a habit. If so, the first thing to be aware of is what drives you to lie.


Compulsive lying is the problem of lying even without any rational justification. You just feel the urge to say something untruthful. Even when confronted about it, some people just keep on lying. It's almost like they also believe their own lies.


For some people, hiding the truth is a safety net because they are afraid of people knowing their real personalities; the reason for lying is therefore a negative image or perspective about one's personality.


In some, however, the lying is an effect of a psychiatric disorder such as ADHD or Bipolar Disorder. In such cases, you will need to seek treatment for your underlying disorder before the lying will go away.


2. Change your Thoughts to Change Your Behavior. Compulsive lying is a behavioural problem. Since behaviour only respond to thoughts, you need to change the way you think to change your behaviour. You need to get rid of the behavioural desire to lie, so you need to alter the programming of your mind.


3. Subliminal Messages to Be More Honest. You can also try listening to subliminal MP3s or watching subliminal videos specifically created to help people become more honest. All you have to do is play the MP3 or video regularly; they will make automatic changes deep within the mind that you won't even be aware of the change. You will simply find yourself free of the compulsive need to lie and bursting with the desire to say only truthful things.


Once you become more honest, your relationship with friends and family will improve. You will also be more confident in the way you deal with other people because you know that your lying won't destroy relationships anymore. This will also get rid of the pressure to keep up with your lies. As people's regard and trust in you improve, so will your perception of yourself.


Here are some examples of subliminal messages that can make you more honest:


I am a naturally honest person.

The truth comes naturally to me.

I always tell the truth.

I am open and honest.

Telling the truth leaves a good feeling.

People trust me to tell the truth.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Click for 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). You'll Love This!

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